
just like sister ray said

is a very cool song that i recommend.

my name is alisha i am 18 and from ohio. i've made like fifteen fucking typing errors trying to type that sentence alone. anyway i spend my time just going to college and listening to music and watching movies and drawing. maybe one day when i feel like putting in the effort i can try to make some kind of movie/music diary page for this website because that would be cool.

coding is really confusing to me i'm sure it's really easy because how else would so many people have cool looking websites but i just can't swing it. a little embarassing i know but simple concepts do not come very easily to me. i'm just gonna say i have a minimalist style.

it's snowing today so i thought about this song by nico that i think fits the mood very well. very me when i walk around campus because i am of course very beautiful and very alone. i'm in the middle of reading "please kill me" right now you know that oral history of punk and it's kind of funny because as an outsider the whole scene seems so cool and then when you read about it you're like damn they were all just annoying hormonal twentysomething junkies. that's a very reductionist way to look at it but that's the general vibe. i probably would've hated being around them. i guess they were talented nonetheless.

here are some images i enjoy if you don't wanna read all that!

i made this last night on imovie. my friend said it was "so fire" but also "mildly confusing" so i'm hoping for the oscar next year.